(60 minute treatment)
reboot your mind and rest your body
Soak away in a peaceful, uninterrupted environment, where you will feel weightless in salted water. Heated to skin temperature, you will have the feeling of floating weightlessly.
Clients love the chance to unplug and disconnect from the world. It’s such a unique, magical experience. Here’s what to expect.
Generally, the first float is spent getting used to this new environment. We’ll walk you through it step by step. Enter the float room with curiosity and zero expectations.
Settle in and tune into your breath.
As you settle into the quiet space, you may be aware of the areas of your body that hold more tension and resist relaxation. Old injuries are often cushioned by the body’s tightening of the surrounding muscles. Practicing a body scan exercise will help you relax even deeper.
Each first experience is unique. For some, they relax quickly, so much so they exit feeling as though they had the best nap of their life. For others, it takes practice to be comfortable without external stimuli like pings, emails awaiting responses in your inbox or family to tend to. This is an indicator that you’ll ultimately benefit the most float therapy! Watch our Your First Float Video to learn more. We’ve got you!
The benefits of the float experience are plentiful. Each float session will be unique to the individual.
Floating is great for reducing stress, relieving muscle tension, and relaxing the entire body. With continued sessions, you will find a deeper and more fulfilling experience.
Floating takes the pressure of gravity off joints and muscles and your body is put into a high state of physical relaxation.
— Deep muscular relaxation
— Accelerates healing of injuries.
— Enhances Performance using visualization.
— Boosts the immune system -
Floatation gives the brain opportunity to enter a deeper state of rest and relaxation than sleep provides.
— Complete physical & mental de-stressing
— Deep muscular relaxation
— Rejuvenates energy levels.
— Enhances Creativity -
While floating, the brain works to focus on recently learned skills and information, making it a great way to process and retain information.
— Stimulates creativity
— Promotes clarity of thought process
— Memory function
— Verbal processing